nesting (1) ~ termites studio
- Workshop four
2024.11.16 & 21

Open Studio & Children’s Workshop
Artist-in-Residence Sun Woo Yoon
In the lighthearted essay “Why do flowers smell?” (2016) botanical taxonomist Tomitaro Makino uses a single lily as a pillow for reflection. He likens the relationship between the flower and the pollinator invited by its pleasant fragrance to a human wedding, reminding us of the often overlooked but important and mysterious role scent plays in our lives. In this workshop, artist-in-residence Sun Woo Yoon read a picture book about canine senses of smell with children outdoors at Seikenji Children’s Center then asked them to use their noses to collect materials that emit smells. Returning inside, they selected colors evoked by the scents in their own minds, and drew colorful pictures corresponding to the scents over cloths with lightly traced maps by the artist. The children also rubbed leaves, berries, and branches on the cloth while observing their remaining scent and hues. During the artist’s open studio as well, olfactory scents led island community members towards fresh experiences of the everyday world with enhanced sensitivity to the more than human.
アーティスト・イン・レジデンス (サン・ウー・ユン)
植物分類学の第一人者である牧野富太郎の「なぜ花は匂うか」(2016) 短い随筆は、黙してただじっと匂っている一輪の百合の花を枕として書き出される一編である。
Artist-in-Residence Sun Woo Yoon
In the lighthearted essay “Why do flowers smell?” (2016) botanical taxonomist Tomitaro Makino uses a single lily as a pillow for reflection. He likens the relationship between the flower and the pollinator invited by its pleasant fragrance to a human wedding, reminding us of the often overlooked but important and mysterious role scent plays in our lives. In this workshop, artist-in-residence Sun Woo Yoon read a picture book about canine senses of smell with children outdoors at Seikenji Children’s Center then asked them to use their noses to collect materials that emit smells. Returning inside, they selected colors evoked by the scents in their own minds, and drew colorful pictures corresponding to the scents over cloths with lightly traced maps by the artist. The children also rubbed leaves, berries, and branches on the cloth while observing their remaining scent and hues. During the artist’s open studio as well, olfactory scents led island community members towards fresh experiences of the everyday world with enhanced sensitivity to the more than human.
アーティスト・イン・レジデンス (サン・ウー・ユン)
植物分類学の第一人者である牧野富太郎の「なぜ花は匂うか」(2016) 短い随筆は、黙してただじっと匂っている一輪の百合の花を枕として書き出される一編である。